A Guide to Create Easy Tomato Cage Halloween Ghost

Halloween Ghosts

Looking to give your garden a spooky makeover for Halloween? With just a few simple materials and a pinch of creativity, you can transform tomato cages into lighted ghosts. Here’s your step-by-step guide to making the perfect DIY lighted ghosts that are sure to be the talk of the neighborhood!

Turn the tomato cage upside down and place the circular top on the ground. Use hanging wire to secure the stakes together in a tipi tent shape.

Halloween Ghost Cage

Position the floral half foam ball in the center of the tipi point. Press down gently to secure the ghost’s head.

Halloween Ghost Head

Start at the bottom and carefully wrap the wire lights (solar-powered) around the cage. Once at the top, wrap back down to ensure full coverage and even distribution for a consistent glow.

Halloween Ghost Body

Position the white twin flat sheet over the tomato cage, ensuring it covers the entire cage. This will form the body of the ghost.

Halloween Ghost

Cut out two ovals for the eyes from black craft felt (or Cricut vinyl). Arrange the eyes on the ghost’s head and attach them using super glue.

Halloween Ghost Face

Wait until dusk and then light up your ghost! The effect is particularly spooky when there’s a gentle breeze causing the fabric to flutter.

Lighted Halloween Ghosts

Creating DIY lighted ghosts using tomato cages is a fun, easy, and budget-friendly way to add some spooky charm to your outdoor decor. With materials you might already have at home, you can create a ghostly display that’s sure to impress trick-or-treaters. Enjoy the spooky season with your DIY spirits!

I teamed up with a few of my creator friends to bring you even more budget-friendly projects for Halloween!

Jill from Bungalow 47 used plastic pumpkins and chalk paint to create Faux Vintage Paper Mache Pumpkins.

Molly from Good Golly Gal used a skull jar and jewels to create a DIY Rhinestone Sugar Skull.

Rhegis from The Morris Mansion used ornaments and tissue paper to create Hanging Ghost Garland.

Alicia from Design Of Your Life used spray foam and pool noodles to create a DIY Giant Spider.

Katy from Simply Gold Studio used a tea towel and embroidery floss to create a DIY Halloween Hand Embroidery.

Mandi from Mandi’s Market used a floral swag and spray paint to create a DIY Thrifted Halloween Decor.

Chica from Chica and Jo used a fern and spray paint to create Halloween Decor from Dead Houseplants.

Drawing inspiration from the eerie charm of Halloween, our projects capture the essence of this spooky season. We hope they ignite your creativity and add a touch of magic to your festivities!

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